Friday, January 25, 2008

Swimming right along

Here it is the end of January, almost, and I've got lots to report.
First, since Charlotte is now legally ours, as of Dec. 20, we were able to bless her in church and have her "sealed" to us in our church's temple in Birmingham. For those of you reading who might not be familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that families can be together forever, not "til death do you part." So we go to our temples to have marriages "sealed," as well as children "sealed" to us. Since we adopted Charlotte, we took her to the temple for this ordinance. It was a very special day for us, and it was beautiful for all our girls to be inside the temple with us to share in it too. Now we're all in it together -- permanently! We are very happy about that. I put pictures of it on
I also started up a new website, I have been planning it for some months now and finally got the time (well, basically) to do it. The basic idea is this: since I'm a) an avid reader, and b) a newspaper book page editor, lots of people ask me what books I can recommend. Many want books that don't have objectionable content. So I'm writing reviews on RatedReads about books that aren't objectionable. I'm completely avoiding books that have lots of language or sex. I am including a three-level ratings system for the books that I feel I can recommend based on content. So if you need some good new books to read, you can check out the site. It's just beginning, so it's not heavy on content yet but it should pick up weight as time progresses. You can email and give suggestions too. I hope you find it useful.
Charlotte has been doing great lately but today seems to have a gunky nose and is not too happy. So, that's the end of my brief post!

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