Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tired AGAIN!

OK, so the little stinker kept me up again until 1:45 a.m. She slept a good portion of the day and would not stay awake for long periods of time in the evening. So I was up with her for a good long while in the quiet, wee hours. For a while, I read some emails and so on, and then I did some research online about my attorney here who's NOT RETURNING MY CALLS. Arrgh. I wrote an email with a link to the Alabama Bar Association's ethics page that talks about communication with clients. Not sure if she'll even read it. That was around 11:45 p.m. Then she had a pacifier and fell asleep. Put her down, lay down myself, then heard stirring. I lay there quietly, hoping for blessed sleep. But no, then it was crying. Got up, checked diaper. Tried pacifier again. Kept in bed. Walked around. Fed another bottle. Checked diaper. Tried pacifier. Went into bathroom to just hang out with her. At 1:30 a.m. we were talking. She was talking up a storm to me, alert as ever. I spoke back to her. Then at 1:45 tried the pacifier again and -- voila! -- success! I got to sleep until 7:30 a.m. with a couple of times waking up with stirring but no feeding or changing.
Today is Cami's 5th birthday. I am making her a cake in the shape of a castle -- she loves anything princess-y so this really made her happy. So I hope it turns out pretty. Marce's 40th birthday cake was ugly, ugly, ugly. But tasty!
We're having a baby shower over at church this evening. Should be fun -- we girls are going to have a good ol' time. And now... it's off to bed for a little spot of a nap.

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